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Jane French

SuperStar Consultant


My Story

Hello welcome to my Scensty Webshop.
I joined up end of July (2018) really so I could just buy a couple of warmers (Colours of the Rainbow, Mini Whoot, Believe in your Dreams Mini, Starling's Warmer and of Course the Stargaze Diffuser) after I had sat going through the bag if wax sample pots of ones I did and didn't like and it turned out I LOVED ALOT, Liked quite a few and only disliked a couple (Oooops addicted before I even began!) So I bought a join up kit and thought well atleast I'll be able to buy the products I want at a 'consultants price'
I was so thrilled to bits with my starter kit because I also got the bonus if a Scentsy Go in it also (which I love)
I couldn't believe how fantastic the quality of the products were/are I shared with a few of my friends and they asked me more about it and because I had all of the business tools/training and incredible Team support I was able to showcase some of the products, and because I love the products so much I'm not selling a product to someone I'm just talking about a product I LOVE so so much and has transformed our house into a home.
Living on a small holding with free range chickens, 2 youngish children, A husband that's a commercial engineer, 3 Dogs, 2 Cats,
Our house ALWAYS smells lovely, It's the first thing people comment on when they walk through the door and my house isn't tidy! I have Severe Fibromyalgia and ME so I have to prioritize my energy into what I can and cannot do each day but it is incredible how a scent can take you to a different place, a happy place.
My Girls and myself are addicted to the Buddy's their beds smell lovely, I use the scent circles, car bars and Scent packs in my car. I carry a scent pack in my coat pocket all of the time because when I am anxious I play with the little scented balls in my pocket and can close my eyes and inhale deeply and take myself to my happier place.
My absolute favourite scent is LUNA but there are MANY MANY others I love and use and mix together regularly.
The Bath Balls are the most luxurious things I think I have ever used in the bath! So silky and what's more my youngest has never been able to use anything except Epsom salts in her baths as her skin would go really red and sore but she can use the bath Balls, Body wash, Hand Soap and now the NEW bath soaks 🥰😊
Doing wax changes takes seconds and even my now 4 year old can do it she was doing it at 3 as the wax is never too hot, I love that I know my babies human, furry or feathered Won't get burnt from them.
Happy to answer any questions, I am here to help.
Happy Shopping and Thankyou in advance for choosing me to shop with,
Love Jane xxxx.

My Favourite Scents